
Yucheng Yin

Ph.D. Candidate
Carnegie Mellon University
yyin4 (at) andrew.cmu.edu

About Me

I am a final-year Ph.D. candidate at Carnegie Mellon Unviersity (affiliated with ECE and Cylab), advised by Prof. Vyas Sekar. I also work closely with Prof. Giulia Fanti.

Prior to joining CMU, I receive a dual bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (ECE) and the University of Michigan (CSE) where I was advised by Prof. Z. Morley Mao and Prof. Qi Alfred Chen.

I am currently looking for full-time positions in industry (SDE, MLE, Research Scientists)! Feel free to email me.

Research Interests

My research interests include the application of Machine Learning (especially Deep Generative Models) to networking, security, and systems.

Selected Publications

Refer to my Google Scholar or CV for the most updated list.

    Yucheng Yin, Zinan Lin, Minhao Jin, Giulia Fanti, Vyas Sekar
    ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), 2022.

  2. USENIX Security
    Soo-Jin Moon, Yucheng Yin, Rahul Anand Sharma, Yifei Yuan, Jonathan M Spring, Vyas Sekar
    USENIX Security Symposium, 2021.

  3. NDSS
    Qi Alfred Chen, Yucheng Yin, Yiheng Feng, Z Morley Mao, and Henry X Liu
    Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium, 2018.

Invited Talks

Synthetic Data Generation by Deep Generative Models

Practical GAN-based Synthetic IP Header Trace Generation using NetShare

Trustworthy Sketch-based Measurement in Software Switches using SGX


I am a big fan of Classical Music (Chopin, Rachmaninoff, etc.) and I have been playing the piano since I was six. I also love photography and I am a pro swimmer (National Athelete Level Three).

Last Updated: Feb. 13, 2024.